joi, 13 ianuarie 2022

ELIAN GEORGE BĂCILĂ URECHIATU, with vip - name ELIAN BĂCILĂ is a geologist and abstract painter born in ORŞOVA - ROMANIA, on 16.08.1974, the son of Peter and Elena. He attended and graduated from the Faculty of Geology, University of Bucharest, obtaining licenses metallogenic - GENESIS OF MINERAL DEPOSITS, classroom Univ. Professor Gheorghe Popescu, in the session 1998. Launch of the first exhibition of abstract art - black held on 07.10.2011, the Little Theatre of Bucharest in the presence of a large audience and students. Painter has a certain obsession with black and black authority for modernity and spirituality of this color. ``Light comes from darkness`` is his motto Elian Băcilă.
He is a Romanian abstract painter known as the Painter of Romania and considerated to be the Father of Black Painting in Romania.
Bacila`s passion for art was instilled as a child by is grandfather a teacher, Gheorghe Bacila. As well has his uncle, Adam Nicolae, a proffessor at the Academy of Arts in Bucharest. As a child, Bacila toured the country`s museums and geological sites that included some cave drawings that inspire his work today. In fact, this is one the basic influences in his black paintings, black being one of the first colors used by primitive people. 
Elian Bacila is also influenced by his passion for collecting rocks and observing geological forms. All of these things coming together to inspired into what was to become and what he hopes to achieve. Inspired by his upbringing Bacila graduated from the Unviersity of Bucharest with a degree in Geology and Geophysics, in 1997. 
In 2011, Bacila formally entered the art world where he was discovered by visual artist Vergil Cojocaru - Cover, a UAPR member who named him the Painter of Black. As he emerged on the scene, he also received the blessing of Confessing Father Adrian Fagetean at Lainici Monastery for his painting wich was quite important to him. 
Since that time, Elian Bacila has chosen the many shades of black and developed a passion over the years for what he calls the ``Queen of Colors``. 
In 2017 he became registered at OSIM a a NATIONAL Brand of ROMANIA under the name of ELIAN BACILA - the Painter of Black.
As a sign of appreciation, RODION G.A., the Father of Electronic Music in Romania, composed the song ``Elian - the Painter of Black``.  

``When the light is reflected in the black transforms and transmutes it. It induces a mental field independently-tor. I am inspired by prehistoric because I believe that cavemen were the first artists who turned the cave into a sanctuary of creation. I am equally inspired by architectural shapes and lines of architecture of Antonio Gaudi, dreams, memory, imagination, hallucination and painter Jackson Pollock. Architecture is petrified musical that. Zenabou Banse, muse and my girlfriend (2011 - 2016) is a rich source of inspiration and tireless. I like painters Hieronymus Bosch, Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Frank Stella. 

More my likes are available from Diet Sayler, Pierre Soulages, Hans Hartung, Zhang Xiaogang and fashion - designer Yves Saint Laurent.

My  painting  is  irrigated  Geology  - land,
Jean Michel Jarre, Beethoven, Kitaro -  Masanori Takahashi. Stone is a special and a target for my work.``

``On October 7, 2011, in Bucharest, at the first exhibition of black art in the presence of a large audience at the premiere participants official Elian BĂCILĂ reveals gorgeous black model Zenabou BANSE, citizen - dutch, with masters in art and culture graduate of the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, being the origin of Africa Burkina Faso, meeting that will mark the life and work, becoming a wonderful young muse, lover, child and future wife, it was love at first sight. "Light of my life" (Elian BĂCILĂ) Fom la mam vima bou­goum! (More language Zenabou Banse)``.

Now I'm more inspired of my source, international photo - model  Dana - Simona  Voiculescu. 
Elian Băcilă discovered his new muse in BUCHAREST, in 2018, his current wife, originally from the United States of America, NIKA RAYNELL JACKSON BĂCILĂ URECHIATU, who gave him, in 2020, the revelation of his life, their son, MOISE GEORGE BĂCILĂ URECHIATU.

MANAGER Alexandru CHIHAI, expert in ``Community Psychology`` built decisive level for the artist's career, on 27/09/2012 at PARLIAMENT - PALACE, in the presence of HE Kaliopi Avraam, Representative of the EU Presidency, ES Ambassador Liviu Bota (ONU) and other personalities attended national and INTERNATIONAL academic world and the Romanian   Academy.

      ``Man is energetic in its permanent change of mentality. The soul of an artist var­ies from a barometer in changing seasons. Mr. Elian Băcilă is a seeker of new paths in art. He follows his own path destined for Supreme Destiny. In his paintings Mr. Elian Băcilă works well, very black. Black tones arranged next to each other and in most cases overlapping betray a foolish but brave and willful start to separate colors from deep black. Like drawing and composition, in particular the style of the artist Elian Bă­cilă black paintings author wants to bring out the light from the depths of darkness and time, the birth of life and light.

        Elian Băcilă, artist painting on black this put you in a quiet and heavy at the moment, yet fail to make clear anything. You include a feeling unknown and is immersed in the details – a mind unprepared for it seems unclear and unknown.

       Moments after you have met and talked with Mr. Elian Băcilă – type of per­son mannered, pleasant and educated, discover that his black painting has a meaning value they can and otherwise – not just colorful. Life is so short that it is a shame to lose it, even a few seconds to explain what we wanted to express each artist. On the art itself and not to dissect. Less matter interpretation of the viewer. To escape the idea that life is not worthwhile to be lived. If life is often tragic, it is equally and cheerful. And I know for me shudder colors yet again!`` (Painter Vergil - Cojocaru  COVER)

Elian Băcilă, abstract painter, is creator for BLACK - LIGHT concept in GEOLOGICAL  PROCESSES. His painting is action and what is going to happen is an event. His artistic creation discover power lines, seduction black, surfaces routes, ammonites which spring from cloth (ancestors snails) and show the direct link with prehistory.

Elian Băcilă - painter building the EXPRESSIONIST - MINIMALIST - ABSTRACT - GESTUALIST  style.

``What appears my paintings are painted in earthy radiographs and paint in my work-creation  which is below us and not seen - Earth is a living planet.`` ELIAN  BĂCILĂ

Artist Exhibitions Personal
2021 Joe BIDEN <<< The PRESIDENT of the UNITES STATES >>> Letter of Admiration for Elian BACILA, Painter of Black - ROMANIA
2021 ``Pyramids and Monoliths`` 10 years of activities
2020  ``Light comes from the dark`` Solo Artist, Virtual Exhibition, Tele7Abc Bucharest Romania
2013 ``Abstract Painting - Vip`` BLACK - LIGHT Concept * Romanian Banking Institute
2012 -  BLACK - LIGHT Concept, Parliament Palace, Bucharest
Implement strategies for Romania SUERD * Eurolink - House of Europe , Bucharest
2011 - Club ``A`` Bucharest
2011 - Tan-Tan Club * Book Release ``Little Portuguese``  Bucharest
2011 - Little Theater, Bucharest * First - Run
2011 - Restaurant  ``Malagamba`` Galery,  Bucharest

Collective Exhibitions
2020  Be***Part >>> Black - Light <<< The Guiness Book - WORLD RECORD (Italy) Atelier Montez, ROME
2020 Intersection of Traditional and Modern in the Art World, Selected Artist, Sibiu, Town-Hall, Romania 
2020 Joy of Life - Selected Artist, The Wine Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia
2020 Million Euro Painting, Selected Artist, Print Feature, Chronic of Time - UPZR, Bucharest, Romania
2020 Ephemere, Selected Artist, Private Exhibition, Paris, France
2019 The National Exhibition of Medieval Art, Gabroveni Galleries, Bucharest, Romania
2019 Magic Balchik, Selected Artist, Balchik Galleries, Bulgaria
2018 CoolArt with Elian Bacila, Solo Artist, INTERVIEW, Bucharest, Romania
2018 Talent and Effort with Elian Bacila, Solo Artist, TV Special, Trinitas TV, Bucharest, Romania
2018 The National Exhibition of Medieval Art, September, National Romanian Library, Bucharest, Romania
2018 Open the Gates of the Palace, Bratianu Palace, Bucharest, Romania
2018 Enciclopedia of Contemporary Romanian Artists, Selected Artist, Collective Feature, Encyclopedia, Alexandru Cebuc, Ruxandra Papa, Sorin Papa, Bucharest, Romania
2018 Poised under PressureAward, Courage, Talent and the Promotion of Abstract Art, UZPR, Bucharest, Romania
2017 Elian Bacila Rewrites the Rules of Abstract Art, Solo Artist, Print INTERVIEW, Dan Preda, The NATIONAL Courier, Bucharest, Romania
2017 <<< 100 Contemporary Romanian Artists, Selected Artist, Collective Feature, Listing - TOP
2016 National Marine Exhibtion, Collective Exhibtion, Cotroceni NATIONAL Museum, Bucharest, Romania
2017 The National Bookhouse, Bucharest  ``The National Exhibition of the Medieval Art``, Bucharest
2017 ``Mogosoaia`` Palace ``Grace from Classic forward Abstract`` Bucharest  
2017 ``Romana`` Gallery, Bucharest  
2016 ``Ferdinand - King`` The Military Museum, Bucharest  
2016 The Romanian Athenaeum, Bucharest ``The Voices of the Sea`` 
2016 The National Museum of Village, Bucharest ``The National Sacred Art of Exhibition`` Bucharest
2016 Parliament Palace, Bucharest ``Grounds`` Bucharest
2016  ``Ferdinand I`` National Military Museum - Bucharest 
2016 ``ARTUT`` GALLERY, Faculty of Technological Equipment - Bucharest
2016 In Memoriam * Luminita Ciupitu ``ARTUT`` GALLERY, Faculty of Technological Equipment - Bucharest
2015 Commemorative ``151 years of education - building`` UTC - Bucharest
2015 Băcilă & Sinescu ``BLACK - LIGHT``, Signum Gallery, Bucharest 
2014 ``Grimberg`` Auction House & Art - Gallery Bucharest, Romania
2014 Elite Prof Art Gallery, Bucharest, ``10 + 10 PLUS`` Exhibition, The third Edition, Romania
2014 Elite Prof Art Gallery & Crown Plaza Hotel - Bucharest, ``White & Black``, Romania
2014 Elite Prof Art Gallery & Crown Plaza Hotel - Bucharest, ``Abstract Art``, Romania
2013  Băcilă & Crăciun & Sinescu, Fine Art, Sculpture and Painting, American Institute, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Arts Showroom, Grounds, Ed``Primordial Elements Music`` Parliament Palace, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Itinerant Exhibition, Piatra Neamț, ``Primordial Elements Music``, Romania
2013 Alchemia Gallery, Băcilă & Cover, Art Show - Room, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Sinesciene Temptations, Băcilă & Cover & Sinescu, Bucharest, Romania

2021 Radio Romania Actualitati  INTERVIEW Painter of Black 

2016 eStrada – TV ``Informed & Involved``
2016 ``Kitaro loves my work`` - Interview with Elian Băcilă``
2015 ``6TV`` Interview ``Alupei Investigates``
2015, eStrada – TV ``Informed & Involved``
2014, Donation abstract - painting for Kitaro - Masanori Takahashi (JAPAN) * Palace - Chamber, Bucharest
2014, ``Future`` Interview ``Big-Painter from Romania``
2014, eStrada – TV ``Treasures We Cherish``
2014, Dîrțu C., Romanian Personalities and their actions, StudIS House-Print, Iași, LVIII Edition
2014, Zamfir, G. B., ``Generator black of light in the original conception by the artist Elian Băcilă``, Cetatea lui Bucur * WordPress * Online Edition
2013 Alternative Investments ``Portofolio & Wallet`` ELIAN BĂCILĂ * Business Newspaper - Stock * EXCHANGE *
2013 ``Abstract Painting - Vip`` BLACK - LIGHT Concept * Donation abstract - painting for EURONEWS - TV, Lyon, France * Romanian Banking Institute 
2013, eStrada – TV ``Treasures We Cherish``
2013, Dîrțu C., Romanian Personalities and their actions, StudIS House-Print, Iași, LVII Edition
2013, Catalog, Art - Show Room ``Grounds``,  ``Primordial Elements Music``,
4th Ed, Bucharest
2013/MAY/8-31, Parliament Palace, Bucharest ``Grounds`` Project, Romania 
2013 Romanian Personalities and their Facts, Selected Artist, Collective Feature, Encyclopedia, Constantin Toni Dartu, Iasi, Romania
2013 Romanian Rugby Players & Their Friends ``Make - Up`` Project
2013, Top-Business No. 833, International Edition * (Bucharest, Bruxelles, New - York)
2012, Media University * art-movie ``Black - Painter`` Elian Băcilă, TV, Romania 
2012, Top-Business, No. 829, International Edition (Bucharest, Bruxelles, New - York)
2012 ``Light comes from the Dark``, Solo Artist, Print INTERVIEW, Alexandru Cedru, TOP - BUSINESS, Bucharest, Romania
2011 Donation for National Heritage ``Cotroceni`` National Museum, Bucharest, Romania 
2011, Antonescu G., ``BLACK - LIGHT`` Painter of Black ``RADAR - MEDIA`` Online - Edition
2011, Păsărin, R., ``BLACK - LIGHT`` Minimalist - Abstract ``SCRIE  LIBER`` Online - Edition
2011, Meet with ADRIAN FAGETEAN, Confessed - Parent ``LAINICI`` Monastery, Romania 
2011 Black - Light, Solo Exhibition,  First Exhibition, The Little THEATER, Bucharest, Romania










``In everyday life there are paintings that mark our existence in  fascinating world of contrasts, of dialogue between black and white, between darkness and light. 
The Painter of Black, Elian Bacila, managed to identifiy his personality in an original concept, which inspired highlights the infinity of gray tones from our gray life, bringing the light into our souls and minds.`` Sorin MIHAILESCU ``Some Peasants`` The National Foundation

``Visual artist Elain Bacila and his black plastic art have the chromatic ability to take you to extreme happiness and sadness. His art which I appreciate very much sends us directly to a world where life is enslaved to a meaning,  force that goes to another form of life.
Each work of his reign is the bearer of an attribute under the burden of mystery and unknown, to which the artist the Painter of Black Elian Bacila tries to bring us closer. It seems that the artist found his way in fine art after all the events experienced by him.
The Painter of Black traveled countries and continents. whereever he went, he conquered the public that appreciated and loved him, keeping him in the memory at the time valid for all the right languages - Painterof Black.
The Painter of Black, who using only the color black, colors the contemporary picture.``

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